Forrige: C.V. Jørgensen Tilbage til oversigt Aktuel gruppe Næste: Kashmir

12 titler med Kansas

Kansas - 1974 Kansas Kansas - 1975 Song For America Kansas - 1975 Masque Kansas - 1976 Leftoverture Kansas - 1976 Leftoverture Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return
Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return Kansas - 1980 Audio-Visions Kansas - 2000 Somewhere To Elsewhere Kansas - 2019 The Symphonic Adventure Kansas - 2020 Monolith

Detaljeret oversigt

Omslag År Album titel Omslag År Album titel
Kansas - 1974 Kansas
1974 Kansas
Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return
1977 Point of Know Return
LP (Music On Vinyl MOVLP2155) / Genudgivelse fra 2018 / Spilletid 44:49 LP (Music On Vinyl MOVLP874) / Genudgivelse fra 2021 / Spilletid 44:25
Kansas - 1975 Song For America
1975 Song For America
Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return
1977 Point of Know Return
LP (Kirshner PZ 33385) / Spilletid 44:46 Spilletid 54:31
Kansas - 1975 Masque
1975 Masque
Kansas - 1980 Audio-Visions
1980 Audio-Visions
LP (Music On Vinyl MOVLP2362) / Genudgivelse fra 2019 / Spilletid 40:31 LP (Music On Vinyl MOVLP2361) / Genudgivelse fra 2020 / Spilletid 42:41
Kansas - 1976 Leftoverture
1976 Leftoverture
Kansas - 2000 Somewhere To Elsewhere
2000 Somewhere To Elsewhere
LP (Epic EPC 81728) / Spilletid 43:18 Spilletid 1:08:27
Kansas - 1976 Leftoverture
1976 Leftoverture
Kansas - 2019 The Symphonic Adventure
2019 The Symphonic Adventure
Spilletid 43:18 LP (Gold Vinyl 3544)
Kansas - 1977 Point of Know Return
1977 Point of Know Return
Kansas - 2020 Monolith
2020 Monolith
LP (Kirshner KIR 82234) / Spilletid 44:25 LP (Music On Vinyl MOVLP2374) / Spilletid 41:29